Online calculator for exchange PhoenixDAO ( PHNX ) to Waves ( WAVES )
Swith to WAVES / PHNX

Current exchange rate PhoenixDAO to Waves : 0.0010419763235816

Popular PhoenixDAO to Waves exchange soums

0.01 PHNX cost 0.000010 WAVES
0.1 PHNX cost 0.000104 WAVES
0.2 PHNX cost 0.000208 WAVES
1 PHNX cost 0.001042 WAVES
5 PHNX cost 0.005210 WAVES
10 PHNX cost 0.010420 WAVES
50 PHNX cost 0.052099 WAVES
100 PHNX cost 0.104198 WAVES
1000 PHNX cost 1.041976 WAVES
10000 PHNX cost 10.419763 WAVES
100000 PHNX cost 104.197632 WAVES
Read more information about PhoenixDAO and Waves