Online calculator for exchange Hord ( HORD ) to NEM ( XEM )
Swith to XEM / HORD

Current exchange rate Hord to NEM : 0.11477937626225

Popular Hord to NEM exchange soums

0.01 HORD cost 0.001148 XEM
0.1 HORD cost 0.011478 XEM
0.2 HORD cost 0.022956 XEM
1 HORD cost 0.114779 XEM
5 HORD cost 0.573897 XEM
10 HORD cost 1.147794 XEM
50 HORD cost 5.738969 XEM
100 HORD cost 11.477938 XEM
1000 HORD cost 114.779376 XEM
10000 HORD cost 1,147.793763 XEM
100000 HORD cost 11,477.937626 XEM
Read more information about Hord and NEM