Online calculator for exchange Core ( CORE ) to NEM ( XEM )
Swith to XEM / CORE

Current exchange rate Core to NEM : 26.752313563119

Popular Core to NEM exchange soums

0.01 CORE cost 0.267523 XEM
0.1 CORE cost 2.675231 XEM
0.2 CORE cost 5.350463 XEM
1 CORE cost 26.752314 XEM
5 CORE cost 133.761568 XEM
10 CORE cost 267.523136 XEM
50 CORE cost 1,337.615678 XEM
100 CORE cost 2,675.231356 XEM
1000 CORE cost 26,752.313563 XEM
10000 CORE cost 267,523.135631 XEM
100000 CORE cost 2,675,231.356312 XEM
Read more information about Core and NEM