Online calculator for exchange Aurory ( AURY ) to NEM ( XEM )
Swith to XEM / AURY

Current exchange rate Aurory to NEM : 5.8643537331199

Popular Aurory to NEM exchange soums

0.01 AURY cost 0.058644 XEM
0.1 AURY cost 0.586435 XEM
0.2 AURY cost 1.172871 XEM
1 AURY cost 5.864354 XEM
5 AURY cost 29.321769 XEM
10 AURY cost 58.643537 XEM
50 AURY cost 293.217687 XEM
100 AURY cost 586.435373 XEM
1000 AURY cost 5,864.353733 XEM
10000 AURY cost 58,643.537331 XEM
100000 AURY cost 586,435.373312 XEM
Read more information about Aurory and NEM