Online calculator for exchange FuzzBalls ( FUZZ ) to NEM ( XEM )
Swith to XEM / FUZZ

Current exchange rate FuzzBalls to NEM : 2.6756199284882

Popular FuzzBalls to NEM exchange soums

0.01 FUZZ cost 0.026756 XEM
0.1 FUZZ cost 0.267562 XEM
0.2 FUZZ cost 0.535124 XEM
1 FUZZ cost 2.675620 XEM
5 FUZZ cost 13.378100 XEM
10 FUZZ cost 26.756199 XEM
50 FUZZ cost 133.780996 XEM
100 FUZZ cost 267.561993 XEM
1000 FUZZ cost 2,675.619928 XEM
10000 FUZZ cost 26,756.199285 XEM
100000 FUZZ cost 267,561.992849 XEM
Read more information about FuzzBalls and NEM